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A Caring, Team Based Approach for Individual Recovery


Within The Phoenix Network, our commitment is to our clients' individual recovery process; and our unique, team-based, interdisciplinary treatment approach is at the very heart of everything we do.


Over the years we have been successful in developing an innovative "network" of highly skilled and trusted consulting brain injury rehabilitation professionals who work together to ensure that our clients' needs are properly assessed and individualized treatment plans created for recovery from a brain injury.


Regular meetings occur with our clinical team where the carefully monitored progress of each client in their treatment plan is discussed and assessments made so that the client receives individually optimized rehabilitation that is immediate and based upon their individual needs.  

This innovative "within our walls and outside our walls" concept of interdisciplinary care is prized by our clients as a key element in their recovery - and is fundamental to our organization's philosophy of healthcare.

2450 Lancaster Road, Unit 36

Ottawa, Ontario  K1B 5N3

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© 2021 The Phoenix Network, Inc.


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